Capital Funding & Priorities Committee

The Capital Funding & Priorities Committee (CF&PC) is responsible for the oversight of capital activity for the university, including Weill Cornell Medicine. Capital is broadly defined to include investments and disinvestments in all facilities, leases, land, and administrative systems. Major functions of the committee include:

  • Capital project approval and oversight.
  • Review of all items that will be forwarded to the Buildings and Properties Committee of the Board of Trustees, including campus planning issues, design studies, unit master plans, capital projects, etc.
  • Oversight and approval of the university’s annual capital budget and capital plans. The capital budget includes individual projects with budgets greater than $250,000 and related sources of funding.
  • Oversight of strategic capital initiatives.

Statement of Purpose


(Staff Support to Committee)Executive Staff Assistant to Vice President of Budget & Planning

Michael Kotlikoff Interim President
Kavita Bala Provost
Christopher Cowen (Chair) Executive Vice President & CFO
Avery August Deputy Provost
Rick Burgess Vice President for Facilities and Campus Services
Katherine McComas Vice Provost for Engagement and Land Grant Affairs
Laura Syer Vice President for Budget & Planning
Fred Van Sickle Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development
Dmitri Konon Assistant Vice Provost for Capital Planning, Weill Cornell Medicine
Sara Gibbons
(Staff Support to Committee)
Executive Staff Assistant to Vice President of Budget & Planning