The Capital Funding & Priorities Committee (CF&PC) is responsible for the oversight of capital activity for the university, including Weill Cornell Medicine. Capital is broadly defined to include investments and disinvestments in all facilities, leases, land, and administrative systems. Major functions of the committee include:
- Capital project approval and oversight.
- Review of all items that will be forwarded to the Buildings and Properties Committee of the Board of Trustees, including campus planning issues, design studies, unit master plans, capital projects, etc.
- Oversight and approval of the university’s annual capital budget and capital plans. The capital budget includes individual projects with budgets greater than $250,000 and related sources of funding.
- Oversight of strategic capital initiatives
Monthly CF&PC meeting agendas and materials are coordinated by the Division of Budget and Planning in partnership with Facilities and Campus Services and under the oversight of the Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer, who chairs the meetings. The Committee votes on items consistent with Policy 4.2, Transaction Authority and Payment Approval, and the Capital Project Financial Guidelines and engages in discussions and direction-setting on more general oversight and strategic topics. A simple majority of the membership must be present to conduct a meeting and a simple majority vote constitutes approvals when required. As needed under compelling circumstances, the Committee may vote electronically outside the regular meeting cycle, as approved by the EVP/CFO.
Meeting minutes are recorded, approved by the Committee, and kept in a database accessible to Committee members for monitoring, referral, and audit purposes.
Stakeholders in the CF&PC agenda items participate through a monthly Project Approvals Coordination process. Meeting logistics and stakeholder expectations are communicated through a Capital Approvals Frequently Asked Questions website maintained by the Division of Budget & Planning.
CF&PC membership is determined by the EVP/CFO.
CF&PC Members by Role
Deputy Provost
Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer (chair)
Vice Provost for Engagement and Land Grant Affairs
Vice President for Budget and Planning
Vice President for Facilities & Campus Services
Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development
Assistant Vice Provost for Capital Planning at Weill Cornell Medicine