Space Use Advisory Committee

 In recognition of the importance of space management, the Provost has charged a Space Use Advisory Committee (SUAC) to oversee the campus approach toward space.

April 29, 2025 April 22, 2025

Charge to the Committee

University space is a resource that is typically characterized as visible, consistent, and long-lasting.  Space creation, decommissioning, renovation, and maintenance activities represent significant capital investments.    The University strives to manage space in a systematic, purposeful manner with an intent to optimize the use of this resource and to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the University.

The Provost charges the Space Use Advisory Committee to lead institutional best practices for the space portfolio that includes facilities and locations for units under the Provost’s administration.

The Space Use Advisory Committee will:

  • Develop and maintain policies, procedures and other recommendations concerning the use and renovation of space, the addition of space through construction or lease arrangements, and the allocation and reallocation of space.
  • Provide advice and counsel to the Provost, the Vice President for Budget and Planning, the Director of Capital and Space Planning, and others regarding interpretation of space-related policies.
  • Review and endorse space need requests and reallocation priorities.
  • Respond to topic-specific requests from the Provost and/or the Physical Planning Committee.
  • Serve as the executive group for institutional space utilization studies.


Kathryn Boor Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Rick Burgess Vice President for Facilities and Campus Services
Mary-Lynn Cummings
(Staff Support)
Director of Capital and Space Planning; Budget & Planning
Gary Koretzky Interim Vice Provost for Research
Christine Lovely Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Lisa Nishii Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Dan Sweeney Associate Vice President for Finance & Operations; Student & Campus Life
Laura Syer
Vice President of Budget and Planning
Jeremy Thomas Assistant Vice President, Asset Management