Budget Calendar

Budget and Planning Process

FY 2024-25

Updated: May 24, 2024

-For questions on dates preceded with an asterisk, please contact compensation@cornell.edu
-For all other questions, please contact ubo-help@cornell.edu
-*  SIP/Merit related

FY25 Budget Cycle Calendar (pdf)

Longview System Availability 7:30am – 9pm
December – January Commitments shared with Colleges & Units via Box folders.
January 16 Base Budget Adjustment edocs completed and approved in KFS
January 24 Initial load into Longview Budget Planning System
January 25 – 27 Board of Trustees meeting
February 5 Cutoff to finalize commitment information with UBO
February 5 Planning assumption PDF posted
February 5 Longview Budget Planning System open to College & Unit Level Users
February 7 – 22 Campus training and review sessions of Longview Budget Planning System
February 12 Longview Budget Planning System open to Department Level Users
February 13 – 15 Long term pool estimated income loaded
February 16 In-year forecast, through period 6, due to UBO (template will be shared by January 12th)
February 29 Budget model data information posted (excluding Allocated Cost Model)
*March 1 SIP eligibility set in Longview Budget Planning System. Eligibility based on hire date by Feb 28
*March – April Workday Merit reports available for planning College & Unit awards
March 4 D-Level closing at 9pm, or date communicated by C-Level UBOG member of each College/Unit to their departments
March 8 Allocated Cost Model shared (summary level)
March 13 Cutoff to finalize outstanding questions/concerns related to the budget model with UBO
March 20 Budget Letters distributed
March 20 Distribution of Operating-Capital reports for review with planned capital activity in FY2025
March 29 Longview Budget Planning System module closed to College & Unit Level Users at 9pm
April 5 – 11 Trustee Budget FY25 roll up completed
April 11 College & Unit narrative due to Budget Office (narrative template will be shared by March 1st)
May 3 May Book completed for BOT mailing
May 23 – 24 Board of Trustees meet to approve operating budget and capital plan
*June 6 – 12 Workday Merit Grid open for College & Unit merit planners and HR partners to enter, submit, and approve awards. No SIP award must include a comment (i.e., terminated, performance related, included in offer, etc.)
June 6 Trustee Budget snapshot set in Longview
June 14, 17 Longview Budget Planning System module open to College & Unit Level Users upon request
June 17 Close Longview Budget Planning System to all level users at 9pm
*June 18 – 21 Workday to generate Merit notification letters to employees
June 18 – 21 Longview Budget Planning System updated to include SIP Awards
June 24 – 28 Longview Budget Planning System planning modules reopened, at Noon, to College & Unit level users for Final Balancing of accounts
June 28 UBO begins final budget review
*July 1 New compensation rates effective
July 24 FY25 Budget loaded to general ledger