While we have organized ourselves into a set of departments and offices, each with discrete expertise and responsibilities, we act in a team-based fashion to address institutional priorities. Any door into the Division is the correct door for those who use and depend on our services and advice.
Specific contacts can be found in the department links to the left, the full list is under Contacts. Please click on a name and you will be connected to the Cornell University Directory for phone, email and address information for that person.
We look forward to serving you.
Capital & Space Planning
The Office of Capital Budget has a variety of responsibilities, including:
- Coordination, review, and publication of the university’s annual five-year capital and debt plan.
- Oversight and review of project funding and use of debt financing for all capital projects (project budget $100,000 or greater).
- Coordination of the Capital Planning Group (CPG) and the Capital Funding & Priorities Committee (CF&PC), two senior administration committees responsible for the strategic university priorities for capital activity and approval of all individual projects with a budget of $500,000 or greater.
- Representation of university perspective and participation in the broad variety of planning, approval, and implementation processes for capital activities on the Ithaca campus.
Space is a very visible, fairly permanent, stable and somewhat finite resource. Space creation is the University’s largest single capital investment. Created space obligates the University to significant, on-going operations and maintenance expenses.
Integrated space planning is a vital prerequisite of effective capital planning and implementation of the Campus Master Plan.
In addition, space planning and management enhancements are integral to the University’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), released in September 2009. The CAP identified enhanced space planning as one of the nineteen action sets the University will implement to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
A robust space planning and management program is necessary to support implementation of the CAP green development objectives. A robust program is also necessary to provide adequate and appropriate program space during this capital constrained period when the University can no longer rely on newly constructed space to meet growth needs. The University intends to manage space in a systematic, purposeful manner, designed to optimize the use of this resource and to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the University.
Institutional Research and Planning
The mission of Institutional Research & Planning (IRP) is to provide official, accurate, and unbiased information and analysis about the university in support of institutional planning, decision-making, and reporting obligations.
In support of the Provost’s office, IRP:
- Serves as an information clearinghouse for the university,
- producing publicly accessible statistical summaries of the university, including the online Factbook
- providing data about the university to governmental agencies
- responding to external requests for information (e.g. from college guide publishers)
- coordinating the university’s participation in a variety of consortial data exchanges
- Organizes, administers, and reports on population surveys of university constituencies (e.g. graduating seniors)
- Engages in in-depth research projects and report writing on topics of special concern to the Provost and other university leaders
- Supports efforts related to programmatic and institutional assessment, including university accreditation and the registration of academic programs with New York State
- Uses institutional data to inform the undergraduate admissions process
- Advocates for the quality and integrity of university data
University Budget Office
The University Budget Office works with units across the university to develop, report and implement the Ithaca campus operating plan.
Operational planning is informed by institutional priorities, policies, and metrics related to the University’s core mission activities. Serving as stewards of institutional resources, the Budget Office is responsible for:
- Forecasting revenue and expense and providing analytical context for planning assumptions and budget policies.
- Coordinating the presentation and review of policy, procedure, and allocation issues impacting operations with senior management.
- Allocating resources, monitoring their use, and reporting on results against plan.
- Modeling the impact of program, policy, and process changes.
- Providing specialized budget services to meet New York State (NYS) and State University of New York (SUNY) requirements.
The office is responsible for the maintenance of schedules, process tools (including computerized budget systems and data marts), and training that supports the annual development of departmental and unit operating budgets.
We invite you to contact any of us about your budget and budgeting needs.