Longview Budget Data Extracts

Budget data is split into two tables.  One contains data for the FY being planned.  The other contains historic data that is generally static.

Budget Extract – New Year Base Budget 

Contains budget data for the FY being planned.


Load schedule:  Monday – Friday @ approximately 7:30AM

Field Listing (name and data type) Definition
EXTRACT_DATE – DATE Date and Time data was populated to given Extract Table
ORGANIZATION – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Org path using codes that indicates place in the lineage of each org, from the parent org code down to the child org code.
COLLEGE – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Represents a unique “C” Level Org assigned to units within an institution. Unique to a particular chart to which it belongs.
ORG – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Represents a unique “Bottom Org” identifier assigned to units within an institution. Unique to a particular chart to which it belongs.
ORGDESCRIPTION – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Name of bottom org
ACCOUNT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The unique number to identify a pool of funds assigned to a specific institution entity for a specific function.
ACCOUNTDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The name on the account.
SUBACCOUNT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string that allows tracking of financial activity within a particular account at a finer level of detail.
SUBACCOUNTDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Concatenation of Sub Account code and Name
OBJECTCONSOL – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An attribute of Object Level that is used to group similar object levels into categories for reporting. Each Object Level belongs to single Object Consolidation.
OBJLEVEL – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An attribute of Object Code that is used to group similar object codes into categories for reporting. Object Level reports up to Object Consolidation.
OBJECTLEVELDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The descriptive name associated with a specific object level code
OBJECT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A four-character code to represent all income, expense, asset, liability, and fund balance classifications assigned to transactions & help identify the nature of the transaction. Object codes are defined centrally with broad definitions so that they are available for use by more than one organization. They are specific to a chart and a fiscal year.
OBJDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A long descriptive name for the object code that appears on the Accounting Lines tab in financial documents as well as in searches and reports
SUBOBJ – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string related to the university object code that allows for finer distinctions within a particular object code for a specific account (for example, income and expense class).
SUBOBJDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string related to the university object code that allows for finer distinctions within a particular object code for a specific account (for example, income and expense class).
FUNDGRP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The Fund Group Code.
FUNDGRPDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The description of a specific fund group.
SUBFUNDGRP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The Sub-Fund Group Code.
SUBFUNDGRPDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The description associated with the Sub Fund Group code
ENCC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Code indicating whether the account is related to a Contract or Endowed Unit
MAJOR – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Categorization of activities and fund balances that are controlled by various stakeholders including, but not limited to, those controlled by Deans, Departments, Faculty and Students. In addition there is a need to be able to identify what major activities these fund balances are earmarked for.
REVEXP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A unique identifying code that categorizes object codes by Revenue (Income) and Expense (Expense) for reporting.
NEWYEARBASEBUDGETNOTES – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Free form note entered at the intersection of (Sub) Account and (Sub) Object for the New Year Annual Base Budget Time Period
NEWYEARBASEBUDGET – INTEGER Annual Base Budget planned for the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJUL – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [July] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETAUG – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [August] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETSEP – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [September] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETOCT – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [October] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETNOV – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [November] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETDEC – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [December] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJAN – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [January] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETFEB – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [February] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETMAR – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [March] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETAPR – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [April] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETMAY – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [May] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJUN – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [June] in the New Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARACTUALS – NUMBER Cumulative current Fiscal Year to Date net actvity as of the last closed month in the Longview Budget System
CURRENTYEARACTUALS96DEC – NUMBER Cumulative current Fiscal Year to Date net actvity through Decemeber (Period 06)
CURRENTYEARPERIOD13YTD – INTEGER Cumulative Fiscal Year to Date net actvity at Year End (field begins updating with activity posted on or after July 1 – Period 13)


Budget Data – Current Year Final Budget

Contains data for the current year’s budgets.


Run schedule:  approximately 3 times annually

Field Listing (name and data type) Definition
EXTRACT_DATE – DATE Date and Time data was populated to given Extract Table
ORGANIZATION – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Org path using codes that indicates place in the lineage of each org, from the parent org code down to the child org code.
COLLEGE – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Represents a unique “C” Level Org assigned to units within an institution. Unique to a particular chart to which it belongs.
ORG – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Represents a unique “Bottom Org” identifier assigned to units within an institution. Unique to a particular chart to which it belongs.
ORGDESCRIPTION – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Name of bottom org
ACCOUNT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The unique number to identify a pool of funds assigned to a specific institution entity for a specific function.
ACCOUNTDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The name on the account.
SUBACCOUNT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string that allows tracking of financial activity within a particular account at a finer level of detail.
SUBACCOUNTDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Concatenation of Sub Account code and Name
OBJECTCONSOL – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An attribute of Object Level that is used to group similar object levels into categories for reporting. Each Object Level belongs to single Object Consolidation.
OBJLEVEL – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An attribute of Object Code that is used to group similar object codes into categories for reporting. Object Level reports up to Object Consolidation.
OBJECTLEVELDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The descriptive name associated with a specific object level code
OBJECT – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A four-character code to represent all income, expense, asset, liability, and fund balance classifications assigned to transactions & help identify the nature of the transaction. Object codes are defined centrally with broad definitions so that they are available for use by more than one organization. They are specific to a chart and a fiscal year.
OBJDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A long descriptive name for the object code that appears on the Accounting Lines tab in financial documents as well as in searches and reports
SUBOBJ – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string related to the university object code that allows for finer distinctions within a particular object code for a specific account (for example, income and expense class).
SUBOBJDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) An optional element of the accounting string related to the university object code that allows for finer distinctions within a particular object code for a specific account (for example, income and expense class).
FUNDGRP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The Fund Group Code.
FUNDGRPDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The description of a specific fund group.
SUBFUNDGRP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The Sub-Fund Group Code.
SUBFUNDGRPDESC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) The description associated with the Sub Fund Group code
ENCC – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Code indicating whether the account is related to a Contract or Endowed Unit
MAJOR – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) Categorization of activities and fund balances that are controlled by various stakeholders including, but not limited to, those controlled by Deans, Departments, Faculty and Students. In addition there is a need to be able to identify what major activities these fund balances are earmarked for.
REVEXP – VARCHAR2(500 BYTE) A unique identifying code that categorizes object codes by Revenue (Income) and Expense (Expense) for reporting.
CURRENTYEARBASEBUDGET – INTEGER Year To Date Activity For Balance Type = BB
PRIORYEARACTUAL – INTEGER Prior Year, Year To Date Activity as of Fiscal Perid 13
PRIOR2YEARACTUAL – INTEGER Two Fiscal Years Ago, Year To Date Activity as of Fiscal Perid 13
CURRENTYEARTRUSTEEBUDGET – INTEGER Annual Trustee Budget planned for the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARTRUSTEEBUDGETNOTES – CLOB Free form note entered at the intersection of (Sub) Account and (Sub) Object for the Current Year’s Annual Trustee Budget Time Period
NEWYEARTRUSTEEBUDGET – INTEGER Annual Trustee Budget planned for the New Fiscal Year Time Period
NEWYEARTRUSTEEBUDGETNOTES – CLOB Free form note entered at the intersection of (Sub) Account and (Sub) Object for the New Year’s Annual Trustee Budget Time Period
CURRENTYEARFINALBUDGET – INTEGER Frozen Annual Current Year’s Base Budget planned for the Current Fiscal Year Time Period. This Time Period captures a complete initial Base Budget (Incl. Sponsored, Federal and other sources that would otherwise be excluded from the “BB” load to KDW).
CURRENTYEARFINALBUDGETNOTES – VARCHAR2(2000 BYTE) Free form note entered at the intersection of (Sub) Account and (Sub) Object for the Current Year’s Annual Final Budget Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJUL – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [July] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETAUG – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [August] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETSEP – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [September] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETOCT – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [October] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETNOV – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [November] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETDEC – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [December] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJAN – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [January] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETFEB – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [February] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETMAR – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [March] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETAPR – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [April] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETMAY – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [May] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period
CURRENTYEARMONTHLYBUDGETJUN – INTEGER Monthly Budget planned for [June] in the Current Fiscal Year Time Period